Ah, yes! Britney Spears in her true essence!
Guess what? A strong wind blew and knocked our umbrella into our pool! Click here for pics.
Add An Eliot Button To Your Browser!!!!! (You must have the links/personal
toolbar enabled to do this)
Click and hold the following link, drag it up to your personal/links
toolbar, and release it. If all goes well ,you should have a button, that
when clicked, links to my page! (not like anyone would use such a thing...)
Drag this- Eliot Now!
My favorite pics. Look, don't ask!
Ah, I love cell shading.
Do you see my main page in the second pic?
Here, you can also find my favorite websites who earn the prestegious
ebbway* award, as shown here(the prestegious sample):
Haha, just kidding. But i do have a list of the best and weird pages
and reources on the net.
These pages are sorted using the order in which they pop into my head
Warning: some of the pages below may have innapropriate content for
certian veiwers (you know who you are) and i cannot be held responsible
for the content of these pages.
Anyways, without further ado:
1.BigNoseBird.com-This website
is packed full of free scripts for webmasters.
2.Shockwave.com- An excellent
site forinternet gaming.
3.The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project-A
site about the scientific testing performed on your favorite hostess snack.
4.Winblows98.com- A very funny
website (and product), The links page is cool too!
5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.-Ranforest.care2.com,
and Thekidsaidssite.com.
Simply by clicking a button, you can donate a small portion of land, food,
habitat, or care time to help these noble causes. You dont have to pay
anything at all! No catch.
10.Cdmag.com-almost evrey computer
game you can buy is in their online catalog.
11. Rivenguild.com-THE riven
website/community. If you dont know what riven/myst are, visit:
12. Myst.com or
13. Riven.com
That concludes my current list, i will update it when i feel like it, or if you send me $100 in the mail.
* Literally "Web" in Piglatin.