Yes, here you are at the miscillaneous page! I'll use this to post things that i find of intrest. To kick off with the proper theme, lets start with this:

Ah, yes! Britney Spears in her true essence!

Guess what? A strong wind blew and knocked our umbrella into our pool! Click here for pics.

Add An Eliot Button To Your Browser!!!!!  (You must have the links/personal toolbar enabled to do this)
Click and hold the following link, drag it up to your personal/links toolbar, and release it. If all goes well ,you should have a button, that when clicked, links to my page! (not like anyone would use such a thing...)
Drag this- Eliot Now!

My favorite pics. Look, don't ask!

Ah, I love cell shading.
Do you see my main page in the second pic?


Here, you can also find my favorite websites who earn the prestegious ebbway* award, as shown here(the prestegious sample):

Haha, just kidding. But i do have a list of the best and weird pages and reources on the net.
These pages are sorted using the order in which they pop into my head first.
Warning: some of the pages below may have innapropriate content for certian veiwers (you know who you are) and i cannot be held responsible for the content of these pages.
Anyways, without further ado: website is packed full of free scripts for webmasters. An excellent site forinternet gaming.
3.The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project-A site about the scientific testing performed on your favorite hostess snack. A very funny website (and product), The links page is cool too!
5, 6, 7, 8, and,,, and Simply by clicking a button, you can donate a small portion of land, food, habitat, or care time to help these noble causes. You dont have to pay anything at all! No catch. evrey computer game you can buy is in their online catalog.
11. riven website/community. If you dont know what riven/myst are, visit:
12. or

That concludes my current list, i will update it when i feel like it, or if you send me $100 in the mail.

* Literally "Web" in Piglatin.
