Below is the information contained in the collection's 'readme.1st' file:
========================================================= (rev. 6/26/97) |
Hello fellow Radio Astronomy Enthusiast! Enclosed are the latest versions of our collection of programs for the BAMBI Radio Telescope Project. Please consider this "freeware", you may duplicate or modify it for your own use. We would like to encourage other amateur radio astronomers to join in the SETI effort; please let us know if we can be of help to you. The following programs should be present on this disk (these are for IBM's with VGA. It should work on any PC. We were running it on a 486 DX2/66 with 1 MEG of memory, although we recently upgraded to a Pentium 133.). BAMBIDAT.EXE (Compiled executable) BAMBIDAT.BAS (Source code for Borland Turbo Basic Complier) ============ This program allows you to view up to 10 consecutive nights worth of drift scan recordings and also perform time averaging. Included on this disk are six nights of actual recordings of the CASS A supernova remnant (the files are named bMMDDYYn.dat (b= bambi, MMDDYY = date of recording, n= a for 1st recording that night, b = 2nd, etc, .dat= data file). To see the CASS A scans, from the DOS prompt type: BAMBIDAT Then follow the menu options (press F6 for Recall State, and then type CASS_A.CFG to select the CASS A collection of recordings. This loads the data. Then to view, press F4 for View and Process files). BAMBI089.EXE BAMBI089.BAS ============ This program runs continously on the radio telescope and logs total power readings into your chosen file at 30 second intervals. It also automatically moves the dish to the desired declination and shows RA of the beam in real time. It also plots the data on your VGA in "strip chart-like" style. (Note: Since the .EXE expects to find the hardware as described in the schematics, attempting to run it on a "detached" pc may cause problems). WATER.EXE WATER.BAS ========= Shows a simulated detection in "SETI" mode. The doppler shift caused by Earth's rotation with respect to a distant (extraterrestrial source) results in the type of slanted line shown. Earth's rotation causes up to a 1 hz per second drift, approximately. From the DOS prompt type: WATER BAMBIFFT.EXE BAMBIFFT.BAS ============ Actual software used in "SETI" mode to monitor four thousand channels at a time, each 1 Hz in width, and displays the results in a "Waterfall" screen (time vs. freq bins). This runs an 8K FFT on the digitized data. It also allows you to set the base frequency of the 810A spectrum analyzer to choose where these channels will start (between 3.7 and 4.2 GHz in our system). (Note: Since the .EXE expects to find the hardware as described in the schematics, attempting to run it on a "detached" pc may cause problems). FFTC.EXE FFTC.C ======== 8K FFT C program called by BAMBIFFT to quickly process the FFT. (We are planning to eventaully do this MUCH faster using an FFT chip donated to the project called the United Technology IQMAC. It can run up to 256K FFTs orders of magnitude faster than software approaches). SL9_view.exe ============ A neat program that tells you the position of the Jupiter comet fragment impact sites at any given time and date, and also contains lots of info about SARA and BAMBI. PLANETS.COM =========== A terrific freeware planet locator program. Gives you the precise location of any planet at your chosen date and time. Have fun, and good luck with your projects! Best Wishes, Bob Lash Mike Fremont Mike F. Project BAMBI bob@bambi.net
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